Friday, August 6, 2010

What a night!

Well last night was our first night to really experience what it's like to have an upset baby. Luke became quite upset around 5:00. I tried feeding him thinking that he was hungry but that did not work. I thought he might have a stuck air bubble so we tried burping him but that didn't work, he just kept screaming. Luke never cries so I was a little worried. I know it's good for babies to cry but this cry was a "I'm in pain" kind of cry. We tried every holding position that possibly exists. We walked around with him and even took him outside. Nothing. David then decided to go change Luke. Even though he had a clean diaper, Luke loves getting changed. I was in the kitchen when I heard David yell in an excited voice, "Oh yeah!" When I went back to see why he was so happy I was shocked to see that Luke had pooped and thrown up all over himself and David. That did it! Luke was happy again but definitely needed a bath.

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny and true. David got paybacks. He pooped all over me the first week! Way to go, Luke!
