Sunday, August 29, 2010


He's thinking about riding a motorcycle

One of the sad things about Idaho is that there are absolutely no Chic-fil-a restaurants. I love Chic-fil-a! My mom got me this shirt and sent it to me. Awesome.

Monday, August 23, 2010

He was in such a happy mood after his bath!

Luke's bath yesterday was a succes! He didn't cry at all and was so happy to be wrapped up afterward.

Luke's first church outfit. Unfortunately Luke spat up on it an hour in to church so he didn't wear it long but sure was cute on him.

I have to stuff the passy in his mouth when Luke is upset. I have to hold it there the whole time but I was able to take this pic really fast before he spat it back out.

We love these shoes! Thanks Aunt Deb!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I loved how he put his arm up when he feel asleep.

I got lots of pics of Luke smiling at me. He loves his momma!

Go Packers! :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

We love the jacket! Thanks Shannon!

Luke throws his arms in the air in his sleep when he gets startled. To get this pick I put a pot in the sink while David had the camera ready. Hilarious. Luke did not wake up.

Smiling at his mommy

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Luke got pretty upset during tummy time today. It's tough holding that head up!

He liked it for a little while at first though.

Luke loves baths. He is very content in this pic. He is starting to get little bumps all over his cheeks. Poor thing.

I love it when Luke sleeps like this. Just like a man.

Luke with his sweet Aunt Whitney

His hair looks a little red in this pick doesn't it? It's looking more blond now-a-days though.

Luke had some blood tests done so they had to prick his foot. He was upset but I was able to calm him down with his passy. He feel asleep while the guy was taking blood out of his foot. Well because he feel asleep the guy wasn't able to get blood from his foot so he pricked the other. I was upset. I hated seeing my baby cry because he was in pain. It was no fun.

Caught him sucking his thumb

Luke loves to sleep on my chest. This was taken a week after he was born.

Luke's blessing day

Friday, August 6, 2010

What a night!

Well last night was our first night to really experience what it's like to have an upset baby. Luke became quite upset around 5:00. I tried feeding him thinking that he was hungry but that did not work. I thought he might have a stuck air bubble so we tried burping him but that didn't work, he just kept screaming. Luke never cries so I was a little worried. I know it's good for babies to cry but this cry was a "I'm in pain" kind of cry. We tried every holding position that possibly exists. We walked around with him and even took him outside. Nothing. David then decided to go change Luke. Even though he had a clean diaper, Luke loves getting changed. I was in the kitchen when I heard David yell in an excited voice, "Oh yeah!" When I went back to see why he was so happy I was shocked to see that Luke had pooped and thrown up all over himself and David. That did it! Luke was happy again but definitely needed a bath.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My First Post

I told family and friends that I would make a blog when my son Luke was born. Well, he's here! So I am now officially a blogger. I hope you enjoy reading about our sweet little family! We are more than happy to share.

Labor Story

Luke came 4 days past his due date and when that day came and passed I was getting a bit impatient. The day before he was born I went to the doctor's office and I was dialated one and a half centimeters. I had my midwife do a membrane sweep because 50% of the time it starts labor. After I came home from my appointment my sister Shannon suggested I get an exercise ball to bounce on for a couple hours because she knew someone who had put herself into labor by doing that. I was all about it! Anything to get that baby out! We got the ball and later that night I bounced on it for 2 hours while watching Lord of the Rings. At 10:30 pm contractions started. They were very inconsistent until about midnight and that's when the pain came. Contractions got closer and closer together and more painful as time went on. By 2:00 am I couldn't take it any more. I was throwing up because of the pain and contractions were only 2 minutes apart. David called our midwife and while on the phone with her I had 3 contractions. David told her that and she said to get to the hospital right away. When I got there it was 2:30 and I was dialated at 6 centimeters. She asked if I wanted an epidural and I said yes! One hour later I finally got the epidural and I had progressed to 7 centimeters. What a relief! I was able to rest for a little bit before I had to push. At 6:30 am I was ready to push. I was still able to feel the pressure of the contractions and so my midwife let me push on my own. There was nobody counting to 10. It was surprisingly very relaxing. One hour of pushing and Luke was here! The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice but the midwife quickly took care of it. What and amazing experienc holding my baby for the first time. He has the cutest cry. David could hardly speak for the first 5 minutes after Luke was born. I couldn't have made it through labor and delivery without David. He was the perfect cheerleader.

I'm a Mom!

Luke is almost two weeks old. Crazy. He already has a little personality. He is a very chill baby but when he is upset he grunts instead of cries. I have yet to hear him cry outside of the doctor's office. When he is hungry he clicks his tongue until he is fed. So cute. I love being a mom. It's a very sweet thing. I'm trying to soak up every second of him being a newborn because I know very soon he is not going to be so little anymore. Though I'll miss him being a tiny baby, I am so excited to see him at all ages.